The Collaborative Learning Spaces are specially designed to facilitate collaborative active learning strategies that are known to improve student learning. By choosing to teach in a CLS, the instructor agrees to adhere to the following expectations for these unique spaces:

  • Develop a sound understanding of evidence-based teaching and learning using the resources available on this website, through the Office of Instruction and Assessment or other professional development opportunities.
  • During class, use short, focused lecture segments that enhance conceptual understanding of lesson’s topics as opposed to lengthy lectures.
  • Interleave small group activities and relevant explanations to foster critical thinking and promote deeper learning throughout each class session.
  • For large classes, use a team of Learning Assistants including co-instructors, Teaching Assistants and/or undergraduate preceptors to provide support to students during in-class activities. 
  • Ensure classes are taught exclusively by instructor(s) prepared to teach in a CLS.
  • Welcome faculty and others who may request to observe classes taught in the CLSs.
  • Participate in efforts to evaluate the impact of the Collaborative Learning Spaces on student learning and faculty and student attitudes.
  • Acknowledge that ongoing evaluations may be conducted to ensure that courses are a good fit for the unique spaces.
  • Be assured that UA is fully committed to support all faculty in their efforts to achieve excellence in education.