Course syllabi contain important information about the classes that instructors teach. These documents provide a record of instructional objectives, methods, assessments, and policies for each class taught at the University.

For accreditation and assessment purposes, it is important that UA administration has access to key information contained in the syllabus. Departments are required to keep hard or electronic copies of syllabi, but it is not efficient to access these records from multiple departments when there is a regulatory request. Thus, Personnel from the Office of Academic Affairs will reach out to units directly to obtain a copy of syllabi each semester. This is so that the most important information, from a compliance and assessment perspective, can be obtained seamlessly.

Federal policy mandates that students have access to the instructional policies and requirements for classes prior to registration. University policies, e.g. Code of Academic Integrity, Threatening Behavior policy, etc.,  that should be included in each syllabus can found in the university catalog