Faculty Learning Community

FLC Background

In Fall 2013, three Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) were formed as part of the UA AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Project. Members of the AAU Project Leadership Team developed the curriculum and acted as Facilitators.

Registration Information

Fall 2024 FLC registration coming soon.  If you have any questions, please email Kate Bunton (bunton@arizona.edu).

Teaching Guides

Curious about how you can incorporate new teaching strategies in your courses? 

Facilitators & Themes

Check out our past FLC facilitators and themes! 


Teaching Resources

Explore this page for more resources to support teaching and learning. 


Updates & Announcements

Click here for all FLC news, updates and announcements.  


FLC Newsletters

November 2019

Issue 4: Exam Ideas in a Collaborative Classroom, Feedback-driven Metacognition

October 2019

Issue 3: Holding Students Accountable in a Collaborative Classroom, Using Group Work Effectively

September 2019

Issue 2 : How to Use Clickers Effectively, Webinar- Engaging Learners Through Technology  

Issue 1: Welcome, Big Questions