Fall 2024 Faculty Learning Community (FLC) offerings

Interested in gathering with an intimate group of fellow instructors a few times a semester to talk about your teaching? Want to stay up-to-date on conversations in teaching and learning? If so, we welcome you to join our faculty learning community (FLC) program! All faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students with an interest in teaching are welcome to join us.

Our common read for Fall semester will be Teaching with AI: A practical guide to a new era of human learning by Jose Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson.  This text is available through the UA libraries:  Click Here

We will also have a variety of other specialty topics.   Details coming soon.  

FLCs will meet 5 times during fall semester.  Meetings are the weeks of September 9, September 16, September 30, October 14, October 28, and November 11.  

Please email Kate Bunton (bunton@arizona.edu) with any questions.

Registration details coming soon.

Fall Schedule:

Days/Times Topics and Facilitators

Have you used Perusall?  It is a social learning platform used to motivate and engage students with class materials though use of social annotation/commenting/discussions. Perusall is integrated with D2L. Join us to experience best practices and learn student perceptions.

Facilitator Tim Ottusch


The AI-Savvy Educator: Reimagining Assessment for the Future of Higher Education Explore innovative assessment strategies that promote academic integrity and authentic learning in the face of rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies. Through a series of bi-weekly discussions, workshops, and collaborative activities, participants will examine the challenges and opportunities presented by AI tools like ChatGPT, share best practices for creating AI-resistant assessments, and develop a toolkit of adaptable assessment techniques that encourage critical thinking, creativity, and original work. The FLC aims to foster a supportive peer learning environment where faculty can experiment with new approaches, troubleshoot common issues, and ultimately enhance their assessment practices to better prepare students for success in an AI-rich future. Five topics: 1. Understanding the AI Landscape: An overview of AI writing tools, their capabilities, and their implications for academic assessment. 2. Rethinking Traditional Assessments: Exploring the limitations of conventional assessment formats (e.g., take-home essays) in the age of AI and discussing alternative approaches. 3. Designing AI-Resistant Assessments: Strategies for creating assessments that minimize the potential for AI-assisted cheating, such as in-class writing, oral presentations, and multimedia projects. 4. Promoting Academic Integrity in an AI World: Best practices for educating students about the responsible use of AI tools and fostering a culture of academic honesty. 5. Embracing AI as a Teaching Tool: Investigating ways to leverage AI constructively in the classroom, such as using ChatGPT to generate writing prompts or provide personalized feedback on drafts.

Facilitator: Kathleen J. Kennedy





Our learning communities are open to anyone who is interested in teaching and learning in the UArizona community! We encourage all faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students to participate.

Click the REGISTER button at the top of the page. You will be taken to a Qualtrics survey to fill out. Once you register, you are registered for the entire semester.

Participants can register for more than one group; however, sessions are capped at 10 in order to facilitate intimate, meaningful conversation. To register for more than one session, you will need to fill out the registration form twice.

Yes! Active participation is expected from all community members, so please plan to contribute your ideas, questions, examples, and curiosities at each session.

Yes! Participants who attend at least 4 of the 5 sessions will receive a certificate to demonstrate their continuing professional development in Edge Learning.

This summer, all FLCs will be on Zoom. However, note that we do not offer asynchronous learning communities at this time.

Please contact Lisa Elfring (elfring@arizona.edu) and Kristin Winet (kwinet@arizona.edu) to discuss any accessibility needs you may have.