Fall 2024: Our common these was Teaching with AI: A practical guide to a new era in human learning (Bowne & Watson).

Fall 2023: Our common read was the book Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom, Robert Eaton, S. Hunsaker, and Bonnie Moon.

Thank you to all of our facilitators:  Kate Bunton (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences), Rachel Castro (Student Learning and Engagement), Reed Dickson (Pima Community College), Lisa Elfring (UCATT), Healther Froehlich (Research Engagement, UA Libraries), Erin Galyen (UCATT), Mascha Gemein (UCATT), Sarah Grace (Psychology), David Herring (UCATT), Kathleen J. Kennedy (School of Human Ecology), Kasi Kiehlbaugh (Health Sciences), Annie Kurtin (Student Engagement and Career Development), Julio Loya (Nursing), Jennifer Nichols (Student Learning and Engagement), Linda Pallock (School of Human Ecology), Lisa Rezende (Molecular and Cellular Biology), Kristin Winet (UCATT)

Spring 2024: Our common theme is How do we continue to improve as teachers?  This theme explored how we can use peer feedback, student feedback, reflective practice, and research to improve our teaching.

Thank you to all of our facilitators:  Kate Bunton (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences), Kathy Broneck (Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences), Sanlyn Buxner (Teaching/Learning), Cheryl Casey (Library), Ahn Dang (UCATT),Lisa Elfring (UCATT), Erin Galyen (UCATT), Sarah Grace (Psychology), Arin Haverland (Environmental Science), Kathleen J. Kennedy (School of Human Ecology), Darin Knapp (Human Development and Family Science), Aimee Mapes (UCATT), Jacqueline Maximillian (Environmental Science), Jennie McStotts (Honors College), Michael Mulcahy (Theatre), Ronnie Mullins (Nutritional Science and Wellness, Cheryl Neal (UCATT), Bill Neurmann (Eller), Tim Ottusch (Human Development and Family Science), Emily Jo Schwaller (UCATT), Tierra  Stimson (College of Applied Science and Technology), Audrey Tocco (UCATT),  Kristin Winet (UCATT), Lisa Rezende (Molecular and Cellular Biology)

Summer 2024: FLCs explored a variety of topics.

Thank you to all of our facilitators: Ahn Dang (UCATT), Kathleen J. Kennedy (School of Human Ecology), Aimee Mapes (UCATT), Tim Ottusch (Human Development and Family Science), Emily Jo Schwaller (UCATT), and Lisa Rezende (Molecular and Cellular Biology).


Fall 2022: The common read was the updated Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science on Learning (James Lang).  The book makes its case for small teaching changes by introducing nine learning strategies that have been demonstrated as highly effective for college and secondary students in the research literature.

Spring 2023:  The common read this semester was Picture a Professor (editor Jessamyn Neuhaus),  a collection of evidence-based insights and intersectional teaching strategies crafted by and for college instructors. It aims to inspire transformative student learning while challenging stereotypes about what a professor looks like.  

Summer 2023: Varied topics suggested by facilitators

Thank you to all of our facilitators:  Zawan Al bulushi (Honors College), Celeste Atkins (Graduate College), Phyllis Brodsky (UCATT), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences), Rachel Castro (Student Learning and Engagement), Cheryl Casey (Research Engagement, UA Libraries), Amy Graham (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Lisa Elfring (UCATT), Mascha Gemein (UCATT), Gretchen Gibbs (UCATT), Arin Haverland (Environmental Science), Chris Hilliard (College of Applied Science and Technology), Linda Hollis (Psychology), Kathleen J. Kennedy (School of Human Ecology), Kasi Kiehlbaugh (Health Sciences), Darin Knapp (School of Human Ecology), Kathleen Kryger (UCATT), Annie Kurtin (Student Engagement and Career Development), Sarah Kyte (Student Success and Retention), Sarah Lavelle (Nutritional Science and Wellness), Julio Loya (Nursing), Aimee Mapes (UCATT), Elaine Marchello (UCATT), Mona Nakamura (Student Learning and Engagement), Dana Narter (Psychology), Cheryl Neal (UCATT), Jennifer Nichols (Student Learning and Engagement), Tim Ottusch (School of Human Ecology), Linda Pollack (School of Human Ecology), Lisa Rezende (Molecular and Cellular Biology), Emily Jo Schwaller (UCATT), Tierra Stimson (College of Applied Science and Technology), Spencer Willis (UCATT), Kristin Winet (UCATT), Zoe Cohen (Physiology)

Fall 2021 facilitators were Paul Blowers (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Kate Bunton (Speech Language & Hearing Sciences), Stacey Cochran (English), Georgia Davis (Office of Instruction & Assessment), Reese Davis (Office of Digital Learning), Lisa Elfring (Office of Instruction & Assessment), Arin Haverland (Environmental Science), Byron Hempel (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Chris Johnson (Information), Colleen Kelley (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Darin Knapp (Family & Consumer Sciences), Sarah Lavelle (Nutritional Sciences), Elaine Marchello (Office of Instruction & Assessment), Dana Narter (Psychology), Timothy Ottusch (Family & Consumer Sciences), Steven Petritis (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Brian Puente (Office of Digital Learning), Lisa Rezende (Molecular & Cellular Biology), Tierra Stimson (Applied Science & Technology), Kristin Winet (English), and Ryan Winet (General Education). 

  • Fall 2021 was about exploring the role that emotion plays in teaching and in classrooms. The majority of facilitators used the book The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Experience with the Science of Emotion, by Sarah Rose Cavanaugh.  One group of facilitators also used the book Geeky Pedagogy: A Book for Intellectuals, Introverts, and Nerds Who Want to Be Effective Teachers, by Jessamyn Neuhaus.
  • Spring 2022 was about exploring What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellent College Teaching (Tracie Marcella Addy, Derek Dube, Khadijah A. Mitchell, Mallory SoRelle, authors).

Spring 2021 facilitators were Tim Ottusch (Family Studies & Human Development), Jessie Brown (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Arin Haverland (Environmental Science), Lisa Rezende (Molecular & Cellular Biology), Kathleen Kennedy (Family & Consumer Sciences), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Sarah Lavelle (Nutritional Sciences), Paul Blowers (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Kristin Winet (English), Aimee Mapes (English), Dana Narter (Psychology), Tierra Stimson (Applied Science & Technology), Rivka Fidel (Environmental Science), Byron Hempel (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Sarah Grace (Office of the Provost), and Angela Kaczowka (Agric Educ Tech & Innov).

  • Spring 2021 focused on "learner-centered teaching" with the book Learner-Centered Teaching: 5 Key Changes to Practice by Maryellen Weimer. This resource is a user-friendly guide to implementing changes to teaching that empower students to take responsibility for their learning.  FLC members discussed what learner-centered teaching is and how to implement learner-centered strategies to motivate and inspire students (and ourselves)!

Fall 2020 facilitators were Kathleen Kennedy (Family & Consumer Sciences), Byron Hempel (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Adam Clark (Family & Consumer Sciences), Sarah Lavelle (Nutritional Sciences & Wellness), Paul Blowers (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Kristin Winet (English), Eric Smith (Educational Psychology), Aimee Mapes (English), Jessie Brown (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Lisa Rezende (Molecular & Cellular Biology), Tim Ottusch (Family Studies & Human Development), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Dana Narter (Psychology), Jennifer Teske (Nutritional Sciences & Wellness), Tierra Stimson (Applied Science & Technology), Rani Olson (Nutritional Sciences & Wellness), Kristen Ackley (Psychology), and Sarah Grace (Office of the Provost). 

  • Fall 2020's theme was quite unique and discussions were focused on sharing strategies for pandemic teaching. Groups referenced the book Small Teaching Online in order to develop skills to engage students and assess learning in the online environment.

Spring 2020 facilitators were Lisa Elfring (OIA), Paul Blowers (Chemical Engineering), Cheryl Cuillier (Associate Librarian), Jennifer Ravia (Nutrition), Chad Park (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Jessie Brown (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Tim Ottusch (Family Studies & Human Development), Dana Narter (Psychology), Darin Knapp (Family Studies & Human Development), Samantha Orchard (School of Plant Sciences), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Laura Mcallister Smith (Academic Inits & Stdnt Success), Nicole Schmidt (Academic Inits & Stdnt Success), Byron Hempel (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Sarah Lavelle (Nutritional Sciences), Lindsay Hansen (OIA), Tom Wilson (Honors College), Angela Kaczowka (Agric Educ Tech & Innov), Erin Galyen (OIA), Phyllis Brodsky (OIA), Mascha Gemein (OIA), and Sarah Grace (Academic Affairs)

  • Spring 2020 focused on student engagement:what it is, how faculty can help students engage with each other, with the course content, and with the instructor! The nook we used as a reference was Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty, available online from the library.
  • Resources from the faculty learning community kick-off can be found here.

Fall 2019 facilitators were Amy Graham (Chemistry), Erin Dokter (OIA), Paul Blowers (Chemical Engineering), Jackie Maximillian (Soil, Water, and Env.Science), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Jennifer Ravia (Nutrition), Cheryl Cuillier (Associate Librarian), Darin Knapp (Family Studies & Human Development), Sarah Grace (Academic Affairs), Steven Petritis (Graduate Student), Tim Ottusch (Family Studies & Human Development), Dana Narter (Psychology), Krys Ziska Strange (Technology & Innovation), Byron Hempel (Chemical & Environmental Engineering), Chad Park (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Tom Wilson (Honors College), Mascha Gemein (OIA)

  • Fall 2019 focused on best teaching practices: what those are, how they can be implemented in any course, and how they transform teaching and learning. The book we used as a reference was Teaching at its Best.
  • Click here for the FLC kicj off slides here for the FLC wrap up slides

Spring 2019 facilitators were Ray Barnes (Architecture), Paul Blowers (Chemical Engineering), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Ronnie Mullins (Nutritional Sciences), Amy Graham (Chemistry), Darin Knapp (Family Studies & Human Development), Kayle Skorupski (Nutritional Sciences), Jackie Maximillian (Soil, Water, and Env.Science), Mike Mulcahy (School of Theater, Film, and Television), Dana Narter (Psychology), Tim Ottusch (Family Studies & Human Development), and Tom Wilson (Honors College)

Fall 2018 facilitators were Ray Barnes (Architecture), Paul Blowers (Chemical Engineering), Jessica Kapp (Geosciences), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Zoe Cohen (Physiology), Ronnie Mullins (Nutritional Sciences), Amy Graham (Chemistry), Rich Harper (School of Criminology & Criminal Justice), Joela Jacobs (German Studies), Darin Knapp (Family Studies & Human Development), Kayle Skorupski (Nutritional Sciences), Jackie Maximillian (Soil, Water, and Env.Science), Mike Mulcahy (School of Theater, Film, and Television), Dana Narter (Psychology), Jennifer Ravia (Nutrition), and Tom Wilson (Honors College). 

Spring 2018 facilitators were Ray Barnes (Architecture), Paul Blowers (Chemical Engineering), Jessica Kapp (Geosciences), Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Zoe Cohen (Physiology), Lisa Elfring (Molecular & Cellular Biology), Ronnie Mullins (Nutritional Sciences), Amy Graham (Chemistry), Rich Harper (School of Criminology & Criminal Justice), Kayle Skorupski (Nutritional Sciences) and Tom Wilson (Honors College)

Fall 2017 facilitators were Ray Barnes (Architecture), Paul Blowers (Chemical Engineering) Kate Bunton (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences), Eric Case (Management Information Systems), Zoe Cohen (Physiology), Erin Dokter (Office of Instruction and Assessment), Lisa Elfring (Molecular & Cellular Biology), Amy Graham (Chemistry), Rich Harper (School of Criminology & Criminal Justice), Mike Mulcahy (School of Theatre, Film & Television), Dana Narter (Psychology), Kayle Skorupski (Nutritional Sciences) and Tom Wilson (Honors College)

  • Fall 2017 focused on diversity.
  • The FLCs also co-hosted an event at the UA with Dr. Carl Weiman at the end of the fall semester.