CIRTL Teaching Certificates
Aligning with the program outcomes, CIRTL offers three levels of recognition: Associate, Practitioner, and Scholar. We also offer a special Postdoc Pathways program that combines levels 1 and 2.
CIRTL@UArizona issues badges and certificates via D2L. Users can export, save, store, and print their digital badges in addition to receiving a traditional certificate that can be downloaded and saved (for teaching portfolios, annual reviews, etc).
Associate Level 1 (Describe & Recognize)

Participation at this level focuses on establishing a strong foundation in teaching & learning by participating in 3 professional development activities. By the end of this level, our members can talk about teaching, recognize themes from the field of teaching and learning, and bring insights back to their classroom(s). Reaching this level takes 1-2 semesters and requires meeting with the CIRTL team once a semester to discuss your goals and interests.
CIRTL Associates:
- Take a course on college teaching (there are a variety of options for meeting this goal)
- Join a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) at UArizona
- Participate in a workshop on the CIRTL network
- Submit a reflection about their learning on D2L
Practitioner Level 2 (Engage)

Participation at this level involves training in teaching-as-research (TAR), or learning to ask and answer questions about teaching and student learning. Participants can either complete a teaching-as-research (TAR) or writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC) project, design a short-term co-teaching project with a teaching mentor, or complete the Certificate in College Teaching (CCT). Completing this level takes an additional 1-2 semesters.
CIRTL Practitioners (select 1 option):
- Option A: Teaching-as-Research (TAR) Seminar (IA699)
- Option B: Teaching Writing (WAC) Seminar (IA699)
- Option C: Teaching Independent Study (IA699)
- Submit a teaching philosophy statement aligned with CIRTL's 3 core values
Scholar Level 3 (Advance & Disseminate)

At this level, you will enter the community of teacher-scholars by sharing your teaching with a public audience either through 1) a publication on a blog, journal, or website; or 2) a conference presentation, poster, or workshop. We will help you identify a publication or conference and help you generate ideas and/or prepare your manuscript.
In addition to receiving a letter of congratulations, our CIRTL scholars are recognized in the CIRTL@UArizona newsletter and invited to network with other CIRTL scholars.